Simple Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

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Simple Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

Preventing tooth decay is one of the most important things you can do for your oral health. Tooth decay can cause gum disease, which leaves tooth loss and even bone loss in its wake. That is why doing what you can to prevent tooth decay will always help your oral health stay in excellent shape long-term. To help guide you... read more »

Your Teeth and Genetics

You are probably aware that some people can actually be more likely to have to cope with many different health issues. You might know that your genetics can also affect your appearance. However, would you be surprised to hear genetics can also have a major impact on the health of your smile? Did you know that some people are much... read more »

How Well Have You Been Caring For Your Teeth?

If someone were to approach you and ask if you take good care of your teeth, would you say yes? Sure, you may brush your teeth twice daily, but what else, if any, methods do you use to ensure optimum oral health? Ask yourself the following questions to determine your overall oral health level. - Do you avoid sugary drinks... read more »

Use Prescription Fluoride Supplements to Improve Tooth Enamel

Even though your tooth enamel is very hard, it is still vulnerable to oral bacteria and the acidic foods and beverages you consume. Overtime, these things can start to erode the microscopic mineral crystals that make up your tooth enamel, making your teeth prone to tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. Fortunately, exposure to fluoride helps counteract this effect. Fluoride essentially... read more »