You Can Mitigate Tooth Sensitivity with Increased Fluoride Exposure

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You Can Mitigate Tooth Sensitivity with Increased Fluoride Exposure

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Your tooth enamel is made up of microscopic mineral crystals. While this makes tooth enamel very strong, it is not impervious to enamel erosion caused by acidic foods and beverages and the bacteria in your mouth. As time goes on, this process, known as demineralization, can create microscopic pores and channels in your tooth enamel.
Prolonged enamel erosion can expose the sensitive dentin layer of the tooth. This often includes symptoms like a sharp pain when you eat or drink something that is hot, cold, sweet or acidic.
Increased exposure to fluoride helps restore the mineral density of your tooth enamel. This process is known as remineralization, and it effectively counteracts enamel erosion.
If your dentist, Dr. Vinh T. Pham, believes your tooth decay and sensitivity issues are related to enamel erosion, he might recommend a basic fluoride treatment or fluoride supplements. Brushing your teeth with a brand of toothpaste with added fluoride is also an easy way to increase fluoride exposure. It might also be a good idea to try making alternative choices in the foods and beverages you consume.
If you have tooth sensitivity issues that you suspect are linked to enamel erosion, you should call Kirkwood Dental at 408-378-8500 to explore your fluoride options in Campbell, California.