Is Tooth Sensitivity Keeping Your Smile Away?

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Is Tooth Sensitivity Keeping Your Smile Away?

When tooth enamel is worn down, sensitivity develops so that even brief exposure to temperature sensitive food or even cold air can make your teeth hurt. Tooth sensitivity is when the layer of dentin with its microscopic tubules filled with nerve endings is exposed. While tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, dentin is much more sensitive.... read more »

Do You Get Complaints about Bad Breath?

Has anyone you love ever complained about your breath? Are you self-conscious because your breath is less than fresh? If you struggle with bad breath, there are good reasons for it as well as things you might need to be aware of. It can be caused by something as simple as the food you eat and something a little trickier... read more »

What to Look for in Oral Cancer

Unfortunately, mouth cancer is on the rise. It used to be prevalent mostly in males over forty, and today it is more common in women and at a younger age. All cancers are scary, and while oral cancer can occur anywhere in the mouth and throat, if detected early on it is highly survivable. Most oral cancer is caught by... read more »